Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Land in California

Address: 195 G Old Hazel Dell Rd. Corrolitos, ca 95019

Approximate value $: 650,000

land with well in. three seperate legal parcels. each over the required acre for building. 6.2 acres total. will trade for townhome or house, possibly a condo near menlo park, san fran, or athernton. my land is in santa cruz county and has approx $200,000 of loans to assume so your property should have less than than. I am old so a 55 plus community would work best for me and someone younger than me can build out my three lots. i get one livable space for just me and you get the potential to make $$$. great for contractor or someone who wants a family compound. will trade by deed. your mortgage must be no more than $800 per month.

In exchange for House in California, 95030

Approximate value $ : $600,000

must be near menlo park.

ID: 14327, Submitted: 05/25/2011 19:13:22, Updated: 05/25/2011 19:13:22, Visitors: 3664


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